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高伟绅论坛第8期:Boris Kozolchyk讲座实录

时间:2007-05-10 点击:

郑莹 吕娜 报道

2007年5月9日7点,由我校法学院经贸博士论坛主办的“UCP600修订本与UCP500之比较”专题讲座在宁远楼221模拟法庭举行。此次邀请的主讲人是亚利桑那州大学BORIS KOZOLCHYK教授,他是目前国际公认的信用证与银行担保法律领域的权威与专家。讲座由我校法学院副院长王军教授主持。王军教授首先发表了热情洋溢的欢迎词,我院伏军副教授则向到场嘉宾介绍了BORIS教授的背景资料。参加讲座的嘉宾包括中伦金通律师事务所合伙人金赛波律师、中国政法大学高强教授等国内信用证领域专家。
随后,BORIS教授具体分析了ICC对UCP500修订的原因并介绍了UCP600和UCP500主要的不同。他认为,修订UCP500最重要的原因就是信用证下的交易活动发展到今天较以前有了很大的变化。货物的交易活动有了革命性的发展,现代交通运输的发展大大缩短了货物到底目的地的时间,这使得原有信用证交易流程的规定变得不再便利。同时,在信用证健康发展的同时,一些负面影响也显露出来,如信用证欺诈、开证行与通知行之间的相互不信任等等,这些因素均促发了UCP600做出了相应的修订。在比较与UCP500的区别时,BORIS教授认为,UCP600在银行在单据处理义务(Dealing with documents)、议付(Negotiation)、支付(Honor)等方面均有了很大变革,总体较UCP500更精细化、更专业化。这对年轻的律师来说是一个挑战更是一个机遇,UCP600能否在今后的货物贸易领域得以广泛适用也依赖于年轻律师们的努力。BORIS教授还认为UCP600为信用证和证券交易法的衔接承担了很好的桥梁作用。
讲座主体部分结束之后, BORIS教授回答提了同学们提出的颇具理论和实践意义的一些问题。在回答有同学提问的rules与usage、UCP与法律之间的异同时, BORIS教授认为,UCP倾向于法律,虽然理论上它不是法律,但是实际上它更似法律,它已经成为被世界上每一个银行都严格遵守的规则,是一部活的法律。此外,BORIS教授还对UCP600关于议付的规定、UCP600与票据法的适用问题进行了精彩解答。 #p#分页标题#e# #p#分页标题#e#

Boris Kozolchyk教授中英文简介:

Boris Kozolchyk教授,1934年12月生于古巴首都哈瓦那的卫星城市马里亚瑙,1956年,Boris Kozolchyk 自哈瓦那大学毕业,并获得了民法学专业的博士学位。1959年,他又获得了迈阿密大学的法学学士学位(现在的JD学位),同时也获得了当时班级里最优秀学生的荣誉称号。经过在迈阿密律的短暂工作,他又接受了密歇根大学法学院的奖学金,并于1959年和1965年分别获得了LLM和 SJD学位。Boris Kozolchyk曾加入美国兰德公司(RAND Research and Development Corporation ),并成为了该公司第一位常驻法律与经济发展顾问。加入兰德公司后不久,他写作的《信用证在美洲》一书也得以出版,此书曾获得广泛好评。
1969年,Boris Kozolchyk 作为美国亚利桑那州大学的法学教授进行教学工作,他为比较法百科全书写作了信用证专论这一章节并得以出版。从那时起,他先后出版了40多篇关于信用证、国际法以及比较法方面的文章,他的研究获得了美国国家科学基金会的奖励。由于Boris Kozolchyk在比较法和国际法研究方面的成就,他被公认为调整信用证、银行担保以及相关文件方面的法律届的世界权威专家。同时,由于他在国际法方面的杰出成就,他曾被选为国际商业消费法研究会的主席,获得了这一领域的最高成就。
1989年,美国国际银行业理事会任命Boris Kozolchyk作为美国的代表参与国际商会对UCP(Uniforms Customs and Practice)信用证文件的起草工作。 UCP信用证文件是世界上被最为广泛遵守的一套商业和银行法律规则和惯例,Boris Kozolchyky 也是这一文件的主要起草者。同时,他作为美国代表团的成员,参与了联合国独立银行担保和备用信用证公约(UNCITRAL)的起草工作。
1992年,Boris Kozolchyk建立了中美洲自由贸易国内法中心,这一组织也是在西半球创制统一商法以及规范贸易文件方面最有影响力的组织。Boris Kozolchyk被西班牙法律研究组织授予了Ignacio Vallarta奖章,这一奖章只授予南半球最杰出的法学家,这一荣誉使得Boris Kozolchyk当选为西班牙商法学家名人堂的一员。Boris Kozolchyk也被美国路易斯安那大学等多所著名大学的杰出讲师荣誉称号。由于Boris Kozolchyk在跨越美洲文化鸿沟方面的贡献,他被亚利桑那州图森市授予马丁路德金奖章。 #p#分页标题#e# #p#分页标题#e#
2004年,由于Boris Kozolchyk长期以来对于国际私法的贡献,被美国律师协会授予Leonard J. Theberge 奖。在2005年11月16日,他又被亚利桑那州大学授予年度杰出国际教育/服务奖,他也是第一位获此殊荣的人士。2006年,中美自由贸易国内法研究中心大楼落成,此楼被命名为Boris Kozolchyk大楼。


Boris Kozolchyk was born in Marianao, Havana, Cuba on December 6, 1934. He graduated from the University of Havana with a Doctorate in Civil Law in 1956 and obtained his LLB (presently JD) from the University of Miami in 1959 Cum Laude and as the top student of his class. After a brief stint as an associate in a Miami law firm, Kozolchyk accepted a Cook Fellowship at the University of Michigan School of Law where he obtained an LLM in 1959 and an SJD in 1965. He was an assistant professor of Law and Director of the Law of the Americas Program at Southern Methodist University School of Law in Dallas Texas from 1960-64. After a semester at the University of Michigan School of Law as a visiting scholar, Kozolchyk joined the RAND corporation as the first resident consultant on law and economic development. Shortly after joining the RAND corporation, his book, Commercial Letters of Credit in the Americas (Matthew Bender 1966) was published. It earned the Best Book Award from the Inter-American Bar Association and the Best Book award from the Spanish Government Institute of Hispanic Culture. This award consisted of a Spanish translation of Commercial Letters of Credit in the Americas.
After a three year stay with RAND he authored the path breaking study, Law and the Credit Structure in Latin America, and drafted a proposal on how best to use law for economic development purposes which involved modernization of legal education and radical changes in the methods of legal research at the judicial and legislative branches. The United States Agency for International Development presented this project to several Latin American countries and Costa Rica expressed an interest in it. Kozolchyk recruited top United States law graduates (from Boalt Hall, Harvard, Michigan and Stanford) to work with him in the USAID -ROCAP Law Reform Project. This project succeeded in changing the method of teaching commercial law in Costa Rica by introducing problem oriented texts; it also succeeded in improving the legislative and judicial research systems and in introducing legal aid clinics and a system of appellate court clerks. As a result of his work in Costa Rica, he received in 1969 the highest award given by the University of Costa Rica to a national or visiting scholar. The textbook on commercial law he co authored with Octavio Torrealba continues to be used in Costa Rica as the most used commercial law text book.
Upon his return to teaching in the United States in 1969 as professor of law at the University of Arizona, Kozolchyk published the chapter monograph on letters of credit for the International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law. Since that time he has published more than forty articles on the law of letters of credit and on international and comparative commercial law including landmark studies on models of fairness in international commercial adjudication which earned him research awards from the National Science Foundation and the Dana Foundation. As a result of his comparative and international law scholarship, Kozolchyk is regarded as one of the world,s authorities on the law of letters of credit, bank guarantees and related documents. Also as a result of his letter of credit work, he has received commendations from the United States Department of Justice and from the University of Cadiz in Spain. Because of his international standing in the field of international commercial law, approximately fifteen years ago, he was elected President of the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law, the most prestigious of its kind. #p#分页标题#e# #p#分页标题#e#
In 1989, the United States Council on International Banking asked Kozolchyk to be its United States Representative to the International Chamber of Commerce for the drafting of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits. He was the chief drafter of this, the most observed set of customary commercial and banking law rules in the world. At the same time, he served a member of the United States delegation to the United Nations for the drafting of a United Nations (UNCITRAL) Convention on Independent Bank Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit. In 1992, Kozolchyk founded the National Law Center for Inter- American Free Trade, a most influential institution in creating uniform commercial law and standardized trade documentation in the Western Hemisphere. As a result of this work, the Office of the Legal Adviser of United States Department of States named Kozolchyk as one of the United States Delegates to the OAS CIDIP V and VI and commended him for his work in drafting and helping to enact a multi-national treaty on choice of law on contractual disputes and an Inter- American Model Law on secured transactions. This Model Law is now being considered for adoption in several Latin American countries.
In addition, the Mexican Institute of Legal Research awarded him the Ignacio Vallarta medal, given to the most distinguished legal scholars in the hemisphere. This followed Kozolchyk,s election to the Hall of Fame of commercial law scholars also in Mexico. Kozolchyk has been honored with distinguished lectureships at Louisiana State University, National University of Mexico, the University of Buenos Aires School of Law, the University of Chile School of Law, George Mason University, Aix-en-Provence, France, and Charles III University in Madrid, Spain. Kozolchyk has also received the Martin Luther King award of the City of Tucson for his work in bridging cultural gaps in the Americas, the Man of the Year Award by the Hispanic Professional Action Committee and by the Tucson Jewish Community Council and the Annual Partners for Democracy Award of the American Israel Friendship League. In 2004, the American Bar Association selected Kozolchyk to receive the Leonard J. Theberge Award for his long-term contribution to private international law. Most recently, on November 16, 2005, Kozolchyk was selected, by the Center for English as a Second Language at the University of Arizona as the recipient of the first annual Excellence in International Education/Service Award. In the summer of 2006, The Guadalajara Chapter of the Mexico/USA Student Bar Association was named the Boris Kozolchyk Chapter and the Guadalajara branch, of the Institute for Legal Research of Bufete was named the Boris Kozolchyk Institute by The Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara. In 2007, the building of the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade was named the Boris Kozolchyk building.

In 2001, Kozolchyk became the Evo de Concini University of Arizona, Center for English as a Second Language (CESL), Professor of Law at the University of Arizona, James E. Rogers College of Law. Kozolchyk is married to Billie Kozolchyk and is the father of Abbie Kozolchyk, Raphael and Shaun Kozolchyk-Plotkin and the grandfather of Sigal Kozolchyk Plotkin. #p#分页标题#e# #p#分页标题#e#

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