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时间:2010-06-26 点击:
University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) School of Law
Brief Introduction to Foreign Students Education Program
Founded in 1984, the University of International Business and Economics (hereinafter the “UIBE”) School of Law (hereinafter the “Law School”) is ranked among the best in China in terms of its internationalization of legal education.
The Law School features a State-approved key discipline of international law; dedicated to combining advanced Western ideas of law with the Chinese legal knowledge, the Law School enables the students to develop an intellectual framework suited to job positions with various legal institutions engaging in foreign affairs.
The Law School has around 50 full-time faculty members, all graduated from top Chinese law schools or foreign ones.  Over half of them have been abroad for advanced education or vocational studies.  Among the universities and institutions they already attended or visited are: Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, University of California at Berkeley, London University, Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Private International Law at Hamburg, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law at Rome, Hague Academy of International Law, as well as Swiss Research Institute of Comparative Law.  Many these full-time faculty members have experiences either in state legislative work or in private practice; half of them have served respectively as arbitrators of various domestic and foreign arbitration institutions.  The Law School also retains a group of experienced judges, government officials, arbitrators and lawyers as its part-time faculty, by which precious knowledge of real and practical value can be constantly afforded to students in great abundance.
The Law School has the best students of the nation.  In China, only the candidates with the most remarkable grades can be possibly admitted to the undergraduate and graduate programs of this law school.  Upon graduation, its students are mostly recruited by major international law firms, financial institutions, large enterprises and government bodies; in particular, they are highly preferred by major law firms from China, the United States, the United Kingdom and other European countries.  In 2010, the UIBE ranks second in China’s National Higher Education Institution Rankings by Employment Rate.
The UIBE, with which the Law School is affiliated, provides foreign students with a favorable learning and living environment.  The UIBE is among a few of its kind in China that have enrolled the largest population of foreign students.  In the UIBE, even you only speak in English, you may still find the study and life here remain easy and pleasant.
The Law School also provides foreign students with a world of opportunities to learn about the Chinese legal institutions – governmental or private in nature – which engage in foreign affairs.  This is due to the Law School’s close connections with many such institutions, i. g., the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of the People’ Republic of China, China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), and the Civil Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court which particularly handles civil cases involving foreign elements.
At present, the Law School offers a master degree program to foreign students.  Basic information about this program is as follows:
(1)           两年制全英文法学硕士项目,学制两年,主要课程有:合同法、公司法、财产法、证券法、国际贸易与WTO法、国际投资和外商投资企业法、环境保护法、知识产权法、反垄断法等,通过答辩论文,可以取得中国法学硕士学位。
Two-year master degree program, instructed in English only, with main courses including: contract law, company law, property law, security law, international trade and the WTO law, international investment law and foreign-invested enterprise law, environmental law, intellectual property law, antitrust law, etc.  Students who successfully defend their thesis may be awarded a master degree of law.
(2)           您也可以只选择参加为期半年(20学分)或一年的(40学分)课程学习,获得相应的学习证书。本项目旨在培养具有国际视野、了解中国涉外经贸立法和国际商务法律应用的专业人才,他们可以对在中国从事经贸活动和与中国企业从事商务活动有关的外国企业及其他机构提供有价值的、直接的帮助。
You may, alternatively, choose a six-month (20 credits) or a one-year (40 credits) certificate program. By either of these course-study programs, the students will be trained as legal professionals with international horizons, knowledge about the Chinese legislation on foreign-related economic and trade affairs, as well as a perception of international commercial law practice in China.  The programs are expected to turn their trainees into an accessible and valuable source to foreign enterprises and institutions in need of assistance in their economic and trade activities and other business in China.
For further details, please visit our website at:, or email us at: [] and [].
Your application to the UIBE School of Law is always welcome!
We faculty and students here are looking forward to your joining us in Beijing!!!
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