By James Bacchus
With the publication of this yearbook on WTO dispute settlement, the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing adds to its rapidly growing global reputation as a premier source of insight into international trade law as part of the international economy.
Only fifteen years have passed since the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Only ten years have passed since China became a Member of the WTO. And yet the sheer amount of jurisprudence clarifying WTO obligations is voluminous.
This jurisprudence demands and deserves summation and elucidation. This yearbook provides it. It begins with an overall overview of WTO dispute settlement by Jun Wang, the distinguished dean of UIBE. It follows with a review of WTO cases involving China by Hongliu Gong, one of UIBE’s brightest young professors. It then continues with in-depth analysis of cases involving issues ranging from trade remedies to intellectual property to much more.
The treatment of China’s emergence as a leader -- and a frequent litigant -- in the WTO is especially useful and impressive. It shows clearly how China has emerged in a short time as a central player in the unfolding story of world trade, and of the WTO-based world trading system. With its unique understanding of Chinese economy and Chinese governance, UIBE is especially able to offer a major contribution here.
I am honored to have a small contribution of my own included in this collection, and I am honored too to have been named an honorary professor at UIBE. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be associated with such a distinguished faculty and such a significant center of global learning. Like many others, I look forward to many more such yearbooks in the years to come.
October 5, 2011
[ Former chairman of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization; former U.S. Congressman from Florida; chair of the global practice of Greenberg Traurig LLP, USA; honorary professor of China’s University of International Business and Economics.]
【詹姆斯•巴克斯先生系世界贸易组织上诉机构前主席;美国众议院前民主党议员;现为美国Greenberg Traurig, LLP律师事务所全球事务部总裁;对外经济贸易大学荣誉教授。】