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Decision on Trade and Environment

时间:2008-05-17 点击:


       Meeting on the occasion of signing the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994,

       Recalling the preamble of the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organiz­ation (WTO), which states that members' "relations in the field of trade and economic endeavour should be conducted with a view to raising standards of living, ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real income and effective demand, and expanding the production of and trade in goods and services, while allowing for the optimal use of the world's resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development, seeking both to protect and preserve the environment and to enhance the means for doing so in a manner consistent with their respective needs and concerns at different levels of economic development,"


          -       the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Agenda 21, and its follow-up in GATT, as reflected in the state­ment of the Chairman of the Council of Representatives to the CONTRACT­ING PARTIES at their 48th Session in December 1992, as well as the work of the Group on Envi­ronmental Measures and Interna­tional Trade, the Committee on Trade and Development, and the Council of Representa­tives;

          -       the work programme envisaged in the Decision on Trade in Ser­vices and the Environment; and

          -       the relevant provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,

       Considering that there should not be, nor need be, any policy contra­dic­tion between upholding and safeguarding an open, non-discriminatory and equi­table multilateral trading system on the one hand, and acting for the pro­tection of the environment, and the promotion of sustainable development on the other,

       Desiring to coordinate the policies in the field of trade and environ­ment, and this without exceeding the competence of the multilateral trading system, which is limited to trade policies and those trade-related aspects of environ­mental policies which may result in significant trade effects for its members,


          -       to direct the first meeting of the General Council of the WTO to estab­lish a Committee on Trade and Environment open to all members of the WTO to report to the first biennial meeting of the Ministerial Confer­ence after the entry into force of the WTO when the work and terms of reference of the Committee will be reviewed, in the light of recommenda­tions of the Committee,

          -       that the TNC Decision of 15 December 1993 which reads, in part, as follows:

                   "(a)    to identify the relationship between trade measures and environ­mental measures, in order to promote sustainable development;

                   (b)     to make appropriate recommendations on whether any modi­fica­tions of the provisions of the multilateral trading system are required, compatible with the open, equitable and non-discrimi­na­tory nature of the system, as regards, in particular:

                            -       the need for rules to enhance positive interaction between trade and environmental measures, for the promotion of sustainable development, with special consideration to the needs of developing countries, in particular those of the least developed among them; and

                                                 -     the avoidance of protectionist trade measures, and the adher­ence to effective multilateral disciplines to ensure respon­siveness of the multilateral trading sys­tem to envi­ronmental objectives set forth in Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration, in particular Principle 12; and

                                                 -     surveillance of trade measures used for environmental pur­poses, of trade-related aspects of environmental measures which have significant trade affects, and of effective imple­mentation of the multilateral disci­plines governing those measures;"

constitutes, along with the preambular language above, the terms of refer­ence of the Committee on Trade and Environment,

          -       that, within these terms of reference, and with the aim of making interna­tional trade and environmental policies mutually supportive, the Committee will initially address the following matters, in relation to which any relevant issue may be raised:

                   -       the relationship between the provisions of the multilateral trading system and trade measures for environmental pur­poses, including those pursuant to multilateral environmental agreements;

                   -       the relationship between environmental policies relevant to trade and environmental measures with significant trade effects and the provisions of the multilateral trading sys­tem;

                   -       the relationship between the provisions of the multilateral trading system and:

                                                 (a)   charges and taxes for environmental purposes;

                                                 (b)   requirements for environmental purposes relating to products, including standards and technical regula­tions, packaging, labelling and recycling;

                   -       the provisions of the multilateral trading system with respect to the transparency of trade measures used for environmental purposes and environmental measures and requirements which have significant trade effects;

                   -       the relationship between the dispute settlement mechan­isms in the multilateral trading system and those found in multi­lateral environmental agreements;

                   -       the effect of environmental measures on market access, especially in relation to developing countries, in particular to the least developed among them, and environmental bene­fits of removing trade restrictions and distortions;

              -     the issue of exports of domestically prohibited goods,

          -       that the Committee on Trade and Environment will consider the work programme envisaged in the Decision on Trade in Services and the Environ­ment and the relevant provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intel­lectual Property Rights as an integral part of its work, within the above terms of reference,

          -       that, pending the first meeting of the General Council of the WTO, the work of the Committee on Trade and Environment should be carried out by a Sub-Committee of the Preparatory Committee of the World Trade Organiz­ation (PCWTO), open to all members of the PCWTO,

          -       to invite the Sub-Committee of the Preparatory Committee, and the Com­mittee on Trade and Environment when it is established, to provide input to the relevant bodies in respect of appropriate arrangements for relations with inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations referred to in Article V of the WTO.


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