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1. 1995年9月—1998年6月: 武汉大学法学院国际经济法专业博士生, 1998年6月获颁法学博士学位
2. 1987年9月—1990年7月: 华东政法学院国际法系国际私法专业硕士生, 1990年7月获颁法学硕士学位
3. 1983年9月—1987年7月: 南京大学大地海洋科学系经济地理专业本科生, 1985年9月起至1987年7月经批准同时攻读南京大学法学双学位课程。1987年7月获颁理学士学位


1. 1990年7月—1993年5月: 浙江省司法厅办公室干部
2. 1993年5月—1995年7月: 浙江省涉外金融商贸律师事务所、海南正达金融房地产律师
3. 1995年7月至今: 调入浙江工商大学(原名:杭州商学院)法律专业 (后来相
继扩展成法律系和法学院)任教, 1999年11月被评聘为副教


1) 1996年11月1日—1997年4月30日: 瑞士日内瓦 联合国贸易与发展会议跨国公司与投资司政策与法律研究处实习生(internship)

2) 1997年5月2日—1997年12月24日: 德国海德堡 马克斯普朗克比较公法和国际法研究院访问学者 (Guest)

3) 2000年2月9日—2000年8月16日: 德国海德堡 马克斯普朗克比较公法和国际法研究院博士后访问研究员(Guest fellow)

4) 2000年9月1日—2000年12月27日: 英国剑桥 剑桥大学老特派特国际法研究中心访问研究员 (visiting fellow)

5) 2001年4月18日-2002年8月28日: 新加坡 新加坡国立大学东亚研究所全薪客座研究员(visiting research fellow).


1. China and the World Trade Organization: A Legal Perspective, World Scientific Publishing (New jersey, Hong Kong, London, Singapore), 2002
2. WTO, Internationalization and the Intellectual Property Rights Regime in China, Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore),2005

1. 中国纺织品贸易法律环境,中国人民大学出版社,法律科学文库,2005

学术杂志论文(Journal Articles):


1. China’s WTO Accession and he Asean–China Free Trade Area: The Perspective of a Chinese Lawyer, Journal of International Economic Law, 2004
2. Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: What are the Legitimate Expectations From the WTO?, Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, 2004
3. Japanese Chauvinism or Chinese Nationalism: Protection of Intellectual Property in China and its Implications for Sino-Japanese Economic Relations, Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol.6 No.5, September 2003
4. A Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong, China: An International Journal (journal of East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore), 1/2003
5. Quest for Constitutional Justification: Privatization with Chinese Characteristics, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.12, No. 36, 2003
6. Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Post-WTO Era: Still a Blight to Sino-US Trade Relations? Issues & Studies (Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taiwan), September 2002.
7. Chinese Approaches to Bilateral Investment Treaties, Asian Yearbook of International Law, Kluwer Law International, vol. 8, 2003
8. Towards WTO Compliance: China’s Foreign Investment Regime in Transition, Journal of World Investment, October 2002
9. The Practice of Private International Law in China (Co-author), Melbourne Journal of International Law, October 2002
10. A Story of Globalization: The WTO and an Evolving China, Harvard Asia-Pacific Review, Spring 2002
11. Can the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism Solve the Trade Disputes between China and Taiwan? Journal of International Economic Law 2002, Oxford University Press.
12. Enforcement of WTO Agreements in China: Reality or Illusion? Journal of World Trade, Vol 35/6 (December 2001), Kluwer Law International, pp. 1181-1214.
13. Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China: On the Eve of China's WTO Accession, Journal of World Intellectual Property, (November 2001), pp. 809-825.
14. China’s Accession to the WTO: Commitments and Implications, Journal of International Economic Law (December 2000), Oxford University Press, pp. 665-690
15. China's Telecom Regulatory Regime on the Eve of WTO Accession, Issue & Studies, July-August 2001
16. Is China’s Judiciary Ready for WTO Entry? Harvard Asian Quarterly, Autumn 2001
17. Chinese Law and Practice on Government Procurement in the Context of China’s WTO Accession, Public Procurement Law Review, 04/2002, pp. 201-214.
18. Transitional Labor Relations in China: Problems and Their Legal Approach, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Schweizerisches Arbeitsrecht (2001)
19. Enforcement of Hong Kong SAR Judgments in Mainland China (Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 7)
20. Enforcement of Hong Kong SAR Judgments in the People’s Republic of China (International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 49/4, October 2000. N.B. This is a substantially rewritten and updated and substantially revised version of the previous article.)
21. “Liberating Taiwan”: Peaceful offensive or Armed might (co-author), Harvard Asia Quarterly, Harvard University, 2000 (4)
22. Old Bottle for New Wine—New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digital context, Issues & Studies, Vol. 36/5
23. A study of the Regulation of the Internet, Journal of Zhejiang University (English edition), co-author, 3/2000
24. Regulation of the Internet: the Chinese Approach,UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Vol. 2000/I
25. Protection of intellectual property in China—The perspective of a Chinese lawyer (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und völkerrecht, Journal of the Max-Planck Institute, 1998, 58/1, pp.181-204.
26. Foreign investment regime in China (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und völkerrecht, Journal of the Max-Planck Institute 1997, 57/4, pp. 869-898
27. New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digital context (UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Vol. 2001/I
28. Privatisation: an untold story in China, IJVO (Internationale Juristenvereinigung, Jahresheft) 1999/2000, Osbabrück, Germany

1. 与世界贸易组织争端解决机制有关的几个问题,法学杂志,2004年第2期
2. 贸易保护主义阴影下的中美经贸关系,商业经济与管理,2004年第1期
3. 中国解决国际争端的实践 (与胡敏飞合作), 香港,亚洲研究,2003
4. WTO争端解决机制与两岸贸易争端,中国评论(香港) ,N.57,Sep. 01, 2002。
5. 破除自由贸易的迷思,读书,2002年10月
6. 中国加入世界贸易组织后对行政管理的影响, 香港, 经济与法律(Economy and Law), Vol. 1, 2002
7. 新加坡政府鼓励海外投资的经验对中国的借鉴,香港, 经济与法律(Economy and Law), Vol. 3, 2001
8. 区域投资法律文件研究, 法学, 2000 年 11月, Vol. 228.
9. 银行资本充足率监管的法律研究 (第二作者), 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2000年10月

著作章节 (Book Chapters)

1. International Regulation of Finance: Is Regionalism Preferred to Multilateralism in Asia? in Thilo Marauhn (ed), International Regulation of Finance, Cambridge University Press,2005
2. Enforcement of WTO Agreements in China: Reality or Illusion? in: China and the World Trading System: Entering the New Millennium, Edited by Debra Cass, Cambridge University Press,2003
3. Adapting to the WTO dispute Settlement Mechanism: New Challenge to China, in: China’s Post-Jiang Leadership Succession, edited by East Asian Institute, Singapore National University Press, 2002
4. Where Will China’s Internet Regulation Go After WTO Accession? in: Globalization and the Chinese Economy, edited by Lu Ding, Ashgate Publishing 2002

1. 中国加入WTO前夕的电信规制体制, 中国改革论坛会议论文集 (中国(海南)改革发展研究院编辑)
2. 区域投资法律文件研究(全文),漆多俊主编, 经济法丛书, 2000卷,中国方正出版社
3. 世界贸易组织框架内的纺织品贸易制度与中国纺织品贸易, 中国涉外经济法新探(国家九五社会科学基金项目,余劲松主持) 武汉大学出版社, 1999
4. 国际投资法,李有星主编,国际经济法, 浙江大学出版社, 1997

1. 国家哲学社会科学基金“知识产权制度国际化背景下的中外知识产权竞争及其对我国技术创新的影响”,主持人
2. 教育部项目“在入世背景下构筑我国中小企业可持续发展的知识产权法律环境”,主持人
3. 国家哲学社会科学基金“加入WTO与我国零售业发展的制度设计”,排名第三
4. 国家哲学社会科学基金“我国商事主体法律制度研究”,排名第四
5. 浙江省哲学社会科学规划办“建设‘信用浙江’法律制度研究”,排名第二
6. 浙江省教育厅项目 “双边投资条约比较研究” , 独立


1. 杭州商学院2001年青年优秀科研成果一等奖
2. 浙江省2001年高校优秀科研成果一等奖
3. 浙江省社科2002年青年优秀成果三等奖
4. 浙江省2003年高校优秀科研成果一等奖
5. “安子介国际贸易研究奖”(2004)三等奖


1. 应邀在厦门大学法学院主办的International Economic Law and China in its Economic Transition国际研讨会上作为中方代表之一作Towards A Balanced Interaction Between Competition Policies And Intellectual Property Rights In China’s Context报告,2004年11月4-5日
2. 应邀在 American Society of International Law 主办的国际经济法和人权第三次研讨会上作“Human Rights Approach to Trade: some thoughts ”的报告, Washington DC, 31March -5 April 2004
3. 应邀在 Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law 主办的 Conference on the “Development of International Law—An Alternative to Treaty-making?”上作“Is the European Experience Duplicable in East Asia?”报告, 14-15 November 2003
4. 应邀在Asian Development Research Forum 主办的国际会议上作 “The legal perspectives or challenges to regional integration and China's WTO accession”报告,Bangkok, Thailand, 2-3 December 2002)
5. 应邀在 Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies, Lingnan University (Hong Kong) 主办的Sino-US Economic Relations After China’s Accession to the WTO”会议上作“Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China and Its Ramifications for Sino-US Trade Relations at the conference”, 6-7 May 2002
6. 应邀在广东外语外贸大学作“The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: What If Japan Imposed Import Restrictions on China’s Farm Products After China Acceded to the WTO?”的专题报告, 12 April 2002
7. 应邀在Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore 作 “The opportunity in China’s logistic industry after its WTO accession” 的专题报告, 13 March 2002
8. 应邀在East Asian Institute,National University of Singapore主办的“The Challenge to China’s Fourth Generation of Leadership”会议上 作“New Challenge to China: Adapting to the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism”报告, 9-10 November 2001
9. 受 United Nations Development Program资助,应邀在中国(海南)改革与发展研究院主办的International Forum on WTO, Opening-up and Anti-monopoly, 作 “China's Telecom Regulatory Regime on the Eve of WTO Accession”报告,22-24 October 2001
10. 应邀在French Business Association in Singapore 主办的 Executive Workshop 作“ China' foreign investment regime and dispute settlement mechanisms on the eve of WTO accession”报,告28 September 2001
11. Invited by Mandarin Executive Development Program for Zhongshan City (sponsored by the Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore) to speak on China's WTO Accession and its Impact on the Government Administration
12. EAI Seminar on “Enforcing WTO agreement in China: reality or illusion?” East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (31 August 2001)
13. Invited by the Faculty of Law, Australian National University, to attend a conference on China and the WTO and to speak on “China and the WTO: Enforcing WTO agreements” (Canberra, Australia, March 16/17, 2001)
14. Invited by Professor Meinhard Hilf to give an ad hoc lecture on China’s WTO accession at the Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg (May 2000)
15. Invited by Professor Christian von Bar to give an ad hoc lecture on China’s privatisation programme at the University of Osnabrück (June, 2000)
16. Invited by the Institute of Chinese Studies, the University of Heidelberg, to attend the Cross-Culture Leadership Forum in Germany and to give a lecture concerning labour relations in the context of Foreign-invested Enterprises

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